915 Sheppard Avenue West Toronto, ON M3H 2T7 (416)-792-7778 /7 Hearing Survey Let's hear about your hearing! Take our 1 minute survey and find your hearing score. First, tell us a bit about yourself! We just need your first name and phone number. 1 / 7 Do you encounter situations where you cannot hear clearly? Almost always Half the time Occasionally Never 2 / 7 Do family members and friends make remarks about you missing what was said? Almost always Half the time Occasionally Never 3 / 7 Do you have trouble hearing on the phone? Almost always Half the time Occasionally Never 4 / 7 Do others complain that you keep the TV too loud? Almost always Half the time Occasionally Never 5 / 7 Do you have trouble hearing higher pitched voices (for example, children's voices)? Almost always Half the time Occasionally Never 6 / 7 Do you need to ask people to repeat themselves? Almost always Half the time Occasionally Never 7 / 7 Do you have trouble hearing in noisy places (restaurant, party, family get-together)? Almost always Half the time Occasionally Never 0% Book an appointment with Hearing Beyond today. CONTACT US